Individual medium post #2

Wei Xie
2 min readMay 13, 2021

In my perspective, the creation of art, of music, of literature, which are known as “cultural production”, is essential to the development of a country. It is the representation of the country’s cultural deposits and also the inspiration of people’s ideas. These arts encourage people to fight against those foreign people, give people courage when they were in the dark, and remind them of their own countries anytime, so this is the reason why the foreign countries would try their best to prevent this kind of cultural production after they get onto this land. The creation of the art is like the spirit of a country. It spreads easily and conveys its thoughts without large efforts. The political struggle discussed here is that the foreign countries tried to control over the other country by capitalism. They not only wanted to seize the arable land from the farmers but also tried to limit their cultural production by the prohibition of their local language. For example, Okinawan people would be consider “spy” if they speak their own language. Moreover, they also forced the Okinawan people on the arable area to leave and become the cheap labor force for the Japanese owned factories. However, art and music expressed the clear emotion of people without the understanding of the language. Just like what we have discussed before, the music built up the relationship between Jamaican and Chinese community even under the colonialism condition. The music helped connect the extra-colonial network for the two communities. The development of the music also contributed to the nationalism for them. Besides this, Koreans expressed their opinion on the newspaper and finally declared the indepence with their hard work. As a Chinese student, the Chinese traditional music I have heard since I was very young gave me a brief understanding of Chinese culture, and the words in the songs provided me the background information of the Chinese history. From the art works I have seen, they showed me the special style of Chinese painting and conveyed me the thoughts without a word. After studying abroad, different style of art and music all give me the first impression of the country: it could be passion or strength. All of these remind me the beauty of the creation of art.

